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American Virginia Opossum - Study #1

Q1) The American Virginia opossum's color can vary from light gray to __?__.

Q2) The American Virginia opossum is native to what continent?

Q3) The American Virginia opossum's habitat is __?__.

Q4) The American Virginia opossum's diet type is __?__.

Q5) A mature American Virginia opossum can weigh up to ___?___ pounds. (kg ?)

Q6) A femal opossum can give birth to a litter of 8 to18 young, although usually only seven survive long enough to leave the pouch. True or False?

Q7) Females tend to live in groups, but the males fight when confined together. True or False?

Q8) American Virginia opossum is the smallest member of the opossum family. True or False?

Q9) The Virginia Opossum is the only marsupial found in North America. True or False?

Q10) Define a marsupial animal?



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